What Federal Managers Need To Make The Tough Decisions

If you are a federal manager, you already know how hard you work to help serve the public. Throughout the federal government, supervisors, managers, and executives invest their time, effort, and expertise into making sure their agencies operate as efficiently and effectively as possible.  Many federal managers see their work in the federal government as not just a job, but a calling.  Unfortunately, today more than ever, pursuing a calling in federal service comes with significant professional liability exposure.

Managers and supervisors in all agencies are dealing with increased workloads, public scrutiny, accountability and/or political demands—increasing the exposure to complaints, internal and external allegations, investigations, and disciplinary actions.  On top of that, there is inherent risk in everyday federal management decisions.  As a federal manager, a critical part of your job is making tough decisions that impact your staff, your agency, and the general public. Good conduct does not prevent federal managers from being accused of wrongdoing, whether that be harassment, discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, whistleblower reprisal, or other allegations that stem from actions taken in the scope of your federal managerial duties.  

For these reasons, a FEDS Protection professional liability insurance (PLI) policy is an integral part of any federal manager’s toolkit.

Serious accusations can result in costly investigations, including OIG, OSC, OPR, and HR investigations and other professional misconduct hearings, management inquiries, and internal disciplinary proceedings.  Federal managers can also be sued in their personal capacity.  If you are sued for actions taken within the scope of your employment, representation by the Department of Justice is not automatic or mandatory. Additionally, federal managers can be vulnerable to criminal investigations.

We offer federal employee policies with $1 million, $2 million, or $3 million in civil liability protection for attorney’s fees and indemnity costs in the event you are sued in your civil capacity. The FEDS policy also includes $200,000 of legal representation coverage per incident for administrative actions and $100,000 of coverage for criminal defense costs. Annual premiums for FEDS Protection PLI start at $290, which is less than it would typically cost to hire a federal employment lawyer for an hour. Additionally, federal managers and law enforcement officers are eligible for a reimbursement of up to 50% the cost of their PLI policy through their agency.

To learn more about FEDS Protection, and how a FEDS professional liability insurance policy can protect you and your career, visit fedsprotection.com or call (866) 955-FEDS, Monday through Friday 8:30 am-6 pm, to speak directly to a representative.

*This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.


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