Mental Health Awareness Continues to Grow Among Federal Managers

As the federal government and federal employee associations continue a return to in-person events, FEDS Protection is excited to have the opportunity to attend employee association conferences and connect with FEDS members.

As we have heard from our members, federal employees’ return to the office has sparked a renewed emphasis on the importance of mental health and a push to make information and resources more widely available to federal employees. As a longtime advocate for federal employees, we understand the importance of mental health awareness and are dedicated to supporting the increasing focus on mental wellness in the federal government. For federal managers in particular, an increasing emphasis on mental health in the federal workforce is an important step in improving the well-being of themselves and their staff.

For instance, at the 2021 Federal Aviation Administrative Managers Association (FAAMA) Convention (40th Annual Gathering of the Eagles), Dr. Jean Kanokogi, Senior Special Agent, FLEOA Director of Mental Health and Peer Support Services, spoke to federal managers about mental health advocacy for federal employees. As always, FEDS Protection is proud to be a sponsor of FAAMA, and during our discussions with attendees at the conference we noted the positive feedback for this area of emphasis. 

Previously, FEDS President Tony Vergnetti and Brenda Wilson, FEDS Director of Federal Employee Programs, have discussed the importance of emotional intelligence for federal managers with Dr. Kanokogi, Dr. Marc Brackett, Founder and Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and Andrea Hoban, Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer of Oji Life Lab. These webinars are available for viewing on the FEDS Protection website.

On December 8, 2021, Vergnetti will join Dr. Kanokogi and Dr. Brackett at the Senior Executive Association’s (SEA) Virtual Leadership Summit for the panel discussion Emotional Intelligence & Building Resilience Through Challenging Times. The goal of this session is to help federal employees understand the role of emotions and emotional intelligence in learning, decision making, relationship quality, and mental health and to give federal employees access to the tools to bring about positive and long-lasting impacts on the health, personal lives, workplace performance and interactions with coworkers and members of the public.

To learn more about FEDS Protection, and how a FEDS professional liability insurance policy can protect you and your career, visit or call (866) 955-FEDS, Monday through Friday 8:30 am-6 pm, to speak directly to a representative.

*This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.


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